Aircon Servicing Pricing
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Servicing Pricing

FCU Chemical Wash Non-Dismantle
- 9k & 12k - $100 per unit
- 18k & 24k - $120 per unit
General Servicing Wall Mounted
-                                 1 Time                  3 Times                  4 Times
- 2 units          $70                       $198                       $256
- 3 units          $90                       $252                       $312
- 4 units          $120                     $336                       $416
- 5 units          $150                     $420                       $520
- 6 units          $180                     $504                       $624
(For 3 Times and 4 Times customer, we provide you with a free inspection within one year from the date of contract.)
FCU Chemical Wash Dismantle
- 9k & 12k - $140 per unit
- 18k & 24k - $160 per unit
Top Gas
Top up R410 - A Gas
- $80 - $150
Vacuum + Top up R32 Gas
- $200 - $250
Outdoor units Normal wash Service
- $50 - $100 per CU (Depend on have Steel Frame or not and Cleaning Difficulty)
Outdoor units Chemical wash Service
- $100 - $250 per CU (Depend on have Steel Frame or not and Cleaning Difficulty)